Sunday, November 21, 2010

DOMAIN 1: INTASC Standards #2 & #5

Domain I
Motivation, Learning, and Development

Standard #2:  The teacher understands how children/adolescents learn and develop, and can provide learning opportunities that support their intellectual, social, and personal development.

Standard # 5:  The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.

A teacher’s approach to each group of students is going to vary from group to group depending upon the students’ levels of development and motivation for learning. Assessing the intellectual and social development of each student as an individual and the group as a whole is going to determine how the teacher will structure the classroom and instruction to provide students with the motivation and guidance to further develop intellectually, socially and personally.

Standard #2 Artifact:  Melody, the beginning of composition

Artifact Rationale

    Creating and sharing music through both written and notation and performances provide a well-rounded approach to the learning and development of music skills. As an introduction to learning what key a piece is in students were given a composition exercise to complete out of the Standard of Excellence band method book by Bruce Pearson. Students were given an exercise with blank beats and were given the freedom to choose any pitch they would like to complete the piece. The only criteria the students had to fulfill were A) to use the specific rhythms supplied for them B) only use notes that you know how to play and C) be able to perform your composition in class. Upon returning to class the students participated on many different levels. They assumed the responsibility for their work by performing it for the class. Then while their peers were performing they listened and responded constructively to their peers’ compositions. After everyone in the group lesson had performed the class participated in a group discussion about the endings of each different composition. This conversation opened the door for the next lesson on keys. I have found that creating a positive environment students have the confidence to take risks. Once a comfortable environment has been created I will continue to provide students with weekly solo opportunities to continue their personal development.
    This artifact is an appropriate example of INTASC standard # 2 because the teacher provides and activity that allows him/her to access the students’ musical and intellectual thinking through performance and discussion.

Standard #5Artifact: 5 Steps to Good Practicing

Artifact Rationale

    As teachers we need to help students become diverse learners in that they can progress as individual learners as well as work cooperatively with others. Practicing is typically thought of as a process of learning alone but it can be done in a group by using a set of guidelines called the “5 Steps to Good Practicing.” During class the students participate on varying levels. Given the “Mexican Hat Dance” out of the “Standard of excellence” band method book by Bruce Pearson the students clapped and counted the rhythms out loud together. Next, for step two the students took turns going around the room naming one note at a time in succession. The students then performed the last three steps together. Once the five steps were completed students had the readiness to perform the “Mexican Hat Dance” as a solo and eagerly volunteered to do so. I found that varying students’ level of participation keeps them actively engaged in the lesson, not knowing what type of participation or when they will having to respond individually keeps them on task.
    This artifact is an appropriate example of INTASC standard # 5 because the teacher encourages the students to develop a sense of value for the knowledge that their peers share have by creating a situation in which the students are dependent upon the information to have a complete learning experience. 

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