Sunday, November 28, 2010

More than just Minutes: Using Practice Charts as Tools for Learning

Music Educators Journal puts out a lot of advertisements, but if you sift through you can find that there are great articles too!

This article "More than just Minutes:  Using Practice Charts as Tools for Learning" was a bit of chatter to read but the charts with it are valuable. As educated musicians we think about all of these things but sometimes we forget that we have to spell them out to our students.

Here is the Sample chart they provided:

They also included an instructional side to this worksheet:

I can't think of too much more to include on this "Detailed Practice Session" other than a section on checking posture at different times during practicing.

This can be overwhelming to young students as well as very wasteful with paper, but it is a great guide to creating your own practice sheets. I will be printing this out (double-sided of course!) once for my students to explain everything and then I will only use it as a guide to practicing.

Leave some other ideas about practice charts ans such!

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